My challenge to run 100 miles in the month of September continued this week. I’m solidly on pace to complete it. I ran a little more than a half marathon on Saturday. It was 13.75 miles and it took 2 hours even. I’m pretty sure it this was the longest run I’ve ever completed. I finished first in the race. I was the only participant though. That run and the other runs from this week puts me at a monthly total of 83.75 miles. I only need to run 17 more miles to complete the challenge.

Keep Moving Forward

I finished up Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation this week. It’s a great overview of many of the best practices for automating a robust delivery process for any software project. I wrote up a summary of the concepts introduced in part one here, check it out. I may add some summaries for parts two and three at some point. Since the book came out, there have been a number of online services that have sprung up that make continuous delivery easier. With tools like Travis CI, Azure Pipelines, and many others it’s the perfect time to automate your delivery process. The idea I got the most out of from the book was treating configuration settings as importantly as code. Configuration files should be tracked in source control if possible. Overall, I recommend the book.


Pluralsight Course(s): Getting Started with OAuth 2.0

Book(s): Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation


Pluralsight Course(s): React 16 - The Complete Guide

Book(s): Design It!: From Programmer to Software Architect, Thinking in Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When You Don’t Have All the Facts

On the Next…

My first order of business for the next week is to run at least 17 miles. As mentioned above, I need 17 miles to complete 100 miles ran in the month of September. 17 miles should be a walk in the park, as I’ve averaged over 20 miles a week so far during the challenge, so this week should be a little easier. Once I’ve wrapped up the 100 miles, I’ll need to decide on a challenge for October.

On top of the running, I’ll be writing code and learning each day.