I have a worthwhile tip this week. For anyone reading technical books, keep an eye out for Manning’s DEAL OF THE DAY offers. Each day, Manning will offer a set of books at half price if you use the code on the offer page. I used the code a couple of times this week to pick up some new books I’ve been excited about for a while. The books I purchased were new editions of classic .NET-centric books. The first is the fourth edition of Jon Skeet’s C# in Depth. The second book is the second edition of Dependency Injection Principles, Practices, and Patterns by Steven van Deursen and Mark Seemann. It’ll be a while before I get to either of them, but I’m to have them in my library.

On the course side of the equation, I worked through Mark Heath’s More Effective LINQ. It’s a really enjoyable course. The LINQ concepts are thought through the lens of programming problems where Heath will pose a problem, offer you the opportunity to solve it, and then walkthrough a potential solution. One thing that sets this LINQ content apart from the other material I’ve seen is that it uses LINQPad. I’ve been a longtime user and fan of the tool and learned a thing or two about the application through watching the course. More Effective LINQ is a fantastic course.


Online Course(s): More Effective LINQ

Book(s): CSS in 44 Minutes


Online Course(s): Building an API with ASP.NET Web API

Book(s): The Brothers Karamazov: A Novel in Four Parts, Get Programming with F#: A Guide for .NET Developers

On the Next…

With April starting up, we’re already a quarter of the way through 2019. It’s went by quick. I’m going to keep plugging away this week and try to read, learn, and create as much as possible. My plan is to focus on reading and working through LeetCode problems this week. The first week of baseball left a sour taste in my mouth with the Cubs winning once and losing twice to the Texas Rangers. The Cubs are better than they’ve shown thus far in the season, but they aren’t worthy of daily focus at this point. Since I’ll have less time devoted to baseball, I’ll have more time to commit to other things.