I’m aiming for a nice quick update this week, let’s get right into it. The majority of my course based learning was devoted to completing CSS - The Complete Guide (incl. Flexbox, Grid & Sass). The course is a thorough, and long (22 hours), course covering the major concepts of CSS. I primarily watched the course at 2x speed and followed along for a few coding portions. I feel like I’m closer to where I want to be with my CSS knowledge, but I still feel more comfortable using libraries like Bootstrap and Bulma to build my web pages. This course was a big leap forward, and I’ve already made use of things I’ve learned from the course. So far, my favorite line of CSS is: margin: 0 auto;.

On top of completing the CSS course, I also worked through Understanding ASP.NET Core 2.x. I’m already pretty knowledgeable on ASP.NET Core, but I wanted to go through a refresher exercise and this course was exactly what I was looking for. The course glides over the main ideas needed to build a web app using ASP.NET Core MVC. My favorite portion was the coverage of Tag Helpers and View Components. Another good feature of the course was that it covered building functionality for both a standard MVC web app and a REST based service via WebAPI. Event was Razor Pages being released, I’m liking the direction that the ASP.NET Core team is taking its MVC solution.


Online Course(s): CSS - The Complete Guide (incl. Flexbox, Grid & Sass), Understanding ASP.NET Core 2.x

Book(s): Post Office: A Novel


Online Course(s): Building a Full Stack App with React and Express

Book(s): The Brothers Karamazov: A Novel in Four Parts, Code Complete 2

On the Next…

My stretch goal this week is to finish Code Complete 2. I’m through 18 chapters and 700 pages in my .epub copy and have 800 or so more pages to go. Last week my target was read a chapter a day. I knocked that out of the park, so this week is two chapters a day. Beyond that, I’m going to plug away on a couple of personal projects and keep on learning.