It’s great to dev-eryday. It’s even better to live every day. Time moves so fast. Take a break every once in a while to just enjoy what is. Whatever feature you’re working on, or article you’re writing, or whatever else you’re working on can probably wait. Do what you can to make the most of your time, even if that means skipping a day. Momentum is important, but sanity is a little bit more important.

Development Time

On the course front I viewed Entity Framework Core 2: Mappings. It was a fun and quick watch. The most interesting thing to me from the course was its discussion over Shadow Properties. Shadow properties are properties that you add to your database but do not exist within your C# class. These database only properties are commonly used for information like creation and update time of an entity. I hadn’t ever seen shadow properties before, might have to start using them.


Pluralsight Course(s): Entity Framework Core 2: Mappings


Pluralsight Course(s): React 16 - The Complete Guide

Book(s): Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation

On the Next…

I want to read more over the next week. I haven’t been reading as much as I would like to lately. It’s a longshot right now, but it’d be nice to finish Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation. So that’s the target. Another thing I’m looking forward to is putting in an hour each night on side projects. In honor of this, I made a rough breakdown of where the development time goes as the weekly picture. There’s no science or thought to the breakdown, just a quick look at where the time seems to go. It’s going to be a full and productive week.