Possibly the only problem I have with Pluralsight is that they add too many courses I want to watch. That is a truly great problem to have! This week they added a course called What Every Developer Must Know About HTTPS by Troy Hunt. The course is a fantastic overview of the HTTPS technology and covers not only how to take advantage of it, but also how to do it for free and in a way that makes your site at least as fast as HTTP. The course inspired me to get HTTPS support to the very site you’re visiting now. I’ll have a post up about it in the week to come.

I also worked through the Getting Started with .NET Core on Mac and Linux. This was a solid course that demonstrated a lot of good practices for using .NET Core on non-Windows operating systems. It was cool to get to watch another developer’s workflow while developing .NET Core code using Visual Studio Code. There are so many videos out there that use standard Visual Studio, but not nearly as many using Visual Studio Code. I picked up a few cool tricks to help streamline my workflow when using the text editor instead of the IDE.


PluralSight Course(s): What Every Developer Must Know About HTTPS, Getting Started with .NET Core on Mac and Linux


MOOC Course: Mastering the Software Engineering Interview

PluralSight Course(s): Implementing and Securing an API with ASP.NET Core, Building a RESTful API with ASP.NET Core

Book(s): Musashi: An Epic Novel of the Samurai Era

On the Next…

I could finish Musashi this week. I’m currenly 75% of the way through and it’s hard to put it down. More realistically, I’ll finish it the week after this one.

I’m going to move a couple more sites of mine into HTTPS. Outside of those updates, I’m going to also keep studying React, Elixir, and .NET Core.