This week I made it through week 8 of the Machine Learning course. It gave a quick introduction to unsupervised learning and principal componenets analysis (PCA). The homework this week used K-Means Clustering to compress an image and PCA to represent facial images. Pretty cool stuff.

I finished the LINQ Fundamentals course on Pluralsight. It was a great look into many of the features of LINQ. I’ve used the vast majority of the techniques before, mainly using the method syntax with lambda expressions, but it was nice to see the query syntax version for all of the examples. Beyond that, there was more than enough new content to make the course worthwhile. It was one of the best courses I’ve viewed so far on Pluralsight.


PluralSight Course(s): LINQ Fundamentals with C# 6.0


MOOC Course: Machine Learning

PluralSight Course(s): Implementing and Securing an API with ASP.NET Core

Book(s): Elements of Programming, Seneca Six Pack

On the Next…

I’m thinking about starting to build an app to record ideas. For the last month plus I’ve been writing at least ten ideas about some topic every day. This practice has been great for helping to build up my mind’s creative thinking process. So far, I’ve written these ideas in OneNote, but it would be cool to have a web app and mobile app that could be used to record these ideas. Right now I’m just thinking about what all it would do but this would be a great opportunity to build a frontend using React/React Native and a backend web service using .NET Core.

Outside of possibly starting to flesh out a plan to create that, I want to read more this week. It’s been slow going on the reading front this week. I will carve out some time this week and make it happen.