Welcome to Dev-eryday, and thanks for visiting the site! Dev-eryday is a personal project created to aid in becoming a better software developer. This site serves to log my efforts and to share knowledge, creations, insights, and whatever else I discover along the way.

“Dev-eryday” is the combination of the words “development” and “everyday.” I’m a professional software developer who wants to get better at my craft. Through Dev-eryday, I want to show how lots of small changes over time can have a huge impact. My goal in life is to improve in some way every single day. This site will share the journey about how I am improving as a software developer. When it comes to our skills there is no finished product.

Planned Types of Content

Recognizing that all plans are subject to change, here are some of the types of content Dev-eryday will feature.

  • Best Way to Learn X

    As a developer I spend a lot of time learning new technologies and techniques. Sometimes there are a lot of false starts in the learning process. Any time I find an effective path I will share it.

  • Book and Course Reviews

    Sometimes I learn through reading books, other times I take courses on sites such as Pluralsight and Udacity. To help others prune content I will share my assessment of the educational-content I consume.

  • Tips, Tricks, and Tutorials

    In the course of creating we often encounter beautiful ideas. Some of these thoughts will be organic, others will be lifted from the masters. Regardless, these will hopefully help others write clean, working code that delivers value to the world.

  • Programming Practice

    With the emphasis on the question-based programming interview techniques at the big companies like Google and Facebook, I want to periodically pose an interview question and offer a solution. There’s no shortage of fun and interesting questions out there and it’s fun to solve them every so often.

  • Outside Software Development

    Life isn’t just about excelling as a software developer! Here I will share thoughts on how to get better in life away from the keyboard. Being healthy and staying that way is the best way to improve at anything.

Check out the Dev-eryday repository for the latest commits and work related to the site. While you’re there, take a look at my code on GitHub. I also have a personal blog, you can visit it here: jpniederer.com. If you have questions, feel free to email me ([email protected]).