I spent a good chunk of time this week playing with testing in React. I did a deep dive into the docs for the Jest testing solution. It’s a robust JavaScript testing platform and it’s easy to use. Familiarity with Arrange/Act/Assert style tests makes for an easy translation. expect(2 + 2).toBe(4); would be like Assert.AreEqual(2 + 2, 4);. The fact that Facebook uses Jest to test all of their JavaScript code lends credence to the tools.


Outside of learning, I finished up the Intro line of questions on CodeFights. There are 60 coding challenges as part of the Intro sequence. Generally, the problems aren’t too difficult and take around 10 to 20 minutes to finish. There were a number of problems I spent considerably more time on though. It was fun going through the problems. The problems on CodeFights can be completed in a ton of languages so it’s fun to pick the best language for each problem. I primarily used C# to solve the problems. There are a lot more problems out there to solve so I won’t stop visiting the site anytime soon. If I earn 500,000 points, I’m at 237,200 right now, I can buy a t-shirt.


Pluralsight Course(s): Writing Purely Functional Code in C#

Book(s): Snowcrash


Pluralsight Course(s): React 16 - The Complete Guide

Book(s): Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation

On the Next…

I want to circle back to Continuous Delivery this week. I got through part I and I haven’t picked the book up since. The book has been rewarding so far, and I’d like to get through part II this week if possible.